NABIP, at the annual convention being held in New Orleans, awarded several achievement awards to individuals, states and local chapters for significant achievements the past year. Congratulations to our winning achievements here in Michigan! Vanguard […]
Cathy Cooper, Region 3 RVP, announced the annual regional meeting to be held August 7 & 8, 2023 in Independence, Ohio. To register for the event, and for hotel block information, please click logo below
Today, NABIP Michigan President, Scott Norman, held his last official board meeting as President. Scott became President in 2021, believing that his term would end in June 2022. Much to Scott’s surprise, the incoming President was unable to fulfill these duties and stepped down. Scott saw this opening and was willing to serve this association […]
NABIP Michigan Legislative Chairs Catherine Cooper and Jeff Romback presenting to the Michigan House Committee on Insurance and Financial Services on three impactful topics: A State-based Exchange, Medicaid Redetermination and CE Credits for Members of Professional Associations. Thanks to all members who worked hard on our industry’s behalf on Legislative Day to make appearances like this happen! PRESENTATION
NABIP Michigan President, Scott Norman, was pleased with the turnout for the 2023 Benefit Summit. Scott sent a big thank you to our speakers and our sponsors for today’s event. Plans for 2024 are in the making.