Monday, March 10
DoubleTree Lansing by Hilton (See Below for Room Block information)
111 North Grand Ave, Lansing, Mi 48933
Capitol Ballroom IV
4:30 pm – Registration and Networking with Hors d’oeuvres and Drinks
5:00 pm – Karin Gyger, Chief Deputy, Department of Insurance and Financial Services
5:30 pm – Speakers: Adrian Hemond, CEO Grassroots Midwest and John Selleck, CEO Harbor Strategic Public Affairs
6:30 pm – Legislative Updates and Legislator Visit Instructions – Cathy Cooper
7:30 pm – Dinner on your own
Tuesday, March 11
8:00 am Check In / Check Out SBAM Main Conference Room (101 S. Washington Square, Suite 900, Lansing)
Legislator Visits Scheduled with the following offices (as of 2/10/ 2025):
Sen. Veronica Klinefelt
Sen. Paul Wojno
Sen. John Cherry
Rep. Curtis Vanderwall, Chair Health Policy Committee
Rep. Jaimie Thompson, Majority Vice-Chair
Rep. Luke Meerman
Rep. Matt Bierlein
Rep. Steve Frisbie
Rep Brenda Carter
Rep. Angela Whitwer
Rep. Morgan Foreman
$144.00 per night
Use Group Reservation Code 90C as part of the NABIP MI Legislative Day event.
Visit DoubleTree Lansing by Hilton
1-833-904-2206, and reservations can assist with securing rooms.
Use Group Code 90C as part of the NABIP MI Legislative Day event.